Advantages & Features
Larger spans
UP to 60 meters without any columns in between
Faster construction
Time saved is money earned. PEB save 50% construction time compared to conventional methods 30,000 sft. Building can be made ready for occupation within 10-12 weeks.
Cost effective
Optimum utilization of materials, built to design steel sections, and fast construction all lead to direct and indirect cost savings. Reduce foundation cost with wider bay spacing.
Custom designed
To suit specific need to the customer and the location.
Single source responsibility
Project co-ordination, construction management and cash flow management etc become easy, effective and predictable since you are not dealing with lots of agencies.
PEB permit future expansions and relocation through easy dismantling and reassembling.
Peace of mind guaranteed
Reputed, reliable, well equipped manufacturer undertaking the turn key responsibility is a big relief. You can be rest assured of a quality job, delivered in time.